Our Services
Why work with us?
Buildings can be net carbon zero, it just takes more thought.
Buildings materials take energy and create emissions to produce. Little to no consideration is made to reduce the extent of this in our construction industry. Every year, embodied carbon in construction is responsible for approximately 11% of the emissions in Australia and similar in New Zealand. Construction and building practices are on the brink of heavy regulatory changes to mandate climate focused initiatives.
Having experience across construction and energy industries is instrumental to bringing you an opportunity to front foot this and take proactive steps towards sustainable development, efficient structural engineering and interior design, without compromising financial gain.
Our key focus is embodied carbon and energy reduction. Cutting down materials use through value engineering and helping our clients make informed materials selections is embedded in our approach to design and collaborative construction.
Christchurch Office
Email: nz@insidecollab.com
Craig: +64 22 657 8432​
Julian: +64 27 871 4973